Tuesday 4 June 2013

Big Brother Africa 8: The crush wall game.

Big Brother gave the housemates a task this morning, housemates were asked to vote for two housemates they have a crush on from the other house. The housemates with the most crush from each house will have a one-on-one rendezvous organized for them.

Immediately, the task was read out by Betty, the head of house of Diamond. Hakeem, who has been sulking over Cleo since he entered the Diamond house appealed to all the housemates to vote for Cleo so he could have the session with her. There weren't any major disagreement with his appeal. And most of the housemates from Diamond actually voted for Cleo while some even voted her twice and Hakeem did the same and smiled all through looking at Cleo's picture on the flat screen monitor while voting for her, uttering the words "Cleo baby".

Meanwhile, in the Ruby house. Some of the housemates also voted Hakeem so Cleo can see him. The housemates who didn't vote Hakeem were Natasha who voted twice for her country mate Fatima, Oneal who voted twice for Feza, Beverly who voted for Nando and mistakenly voted for Fatima while trying to vote Hakeem as her second choice, Selly who selected Angelo and Melvin (Melvin selected her also, something going on there? Hmm...) and Neyll who selected Betty and someone else. Cleo also voted Hakeem twice, meaning she's also eager to see him again.

So Hakeem's desire and wish to be reunited with Cleo has been granted and they will definitely be getting the one-on-one session from Big Brother as they both came out tops from both houses.

Let's just see how this Hakeem and Cleo thing develops. It looks genuine, but what do i know...Do you think Hakeem is genuinely into Cleo? Is is a strategy?


  1. Well let's see how it plays out on saturday

  2. I think its an act, same as LK4 and Koketso who shared a kiss yesterday by the way

  3. It's genuine and obvious

  4. Today is wednesday. No update Madame?

