Friday 28 June 2013

#BBATHECHASE: The new Heads of House.

The Head of House for next week have emerged from both houses. Elikem won the task in the Ruby house while Melvin won in the Diamond house. Big Brother had earlier called Bolt, the winner of The Power of No Task to the diary room. When Bolt came out of the diary room, he told Sulu and the rest of the housemates that he has excluded Sulu from the HoH task. Dillish the winner of The Power Of No Task in the Diamond house excluded Hakeem from the HoH task and said it was an obvious decision. We all know why that is obvious.

The HoH task started first in the Ruby house. All housemates were told to line in a straight line and were to run to a set of balloon not far away from them and burst it to find an object inside. Housemates who didn't find any object are to sit out while those who found are to repeat the process till a winner emerge. Elikem, Fatima, Oneal and Bassey were the four housemates who found object in their balloon and had to go for another round which Elikem won. In the Diamond house, Melvin, Beverly, Cleo and Selly were the ones who found object in their balloon at the first round. The next round it was just Melvin and he was announced the Head of House. Elikem and Melvin Head of House duties starts first thing Monday morning.

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