Wednesday 26 June 2013

#BBATHECHASE: What is happening? DAY30.

This morning Bassey entertained his housemates by dancing half naked in front of the mirror. he was just in his pants an he danced so well. We all know bassey is a good dancer.

Pokello and Elikem woke up together this morning and spoke a bit about the day's task. The housemates in both houses wagered a 100 percent today. This week's task is all about story telling, camp fire, etc.

Today's diary session was quite emotional. After biggie asked them how they felt about nominations, he asked each housemates to share their survival stories to Africa. They all had stories to share, starting from Maria who was almost raped to Melvin who was almost kidnapped by an unknown face when he was five. Cleo left the house at 17 and hard to hustle real hard to make ends meet, hakeem also had to be the breadwinner at a tender age. Nando talked about his drug issues and how he almost commited suicide. Dillish told biggie how her baby brother saved them from a burning house. Pokello talked about her abusive relationship for 3 years and the media leak, how she got pregnant at 17 and had to survive. Bassey spoke about his family, his father died when he was young and his mum had to take care of him and his four sisters, his sisters had to drop out of school, their fiancees helped and he was able to go through a public school. Trust me, they all had stories to tell. Biggie encouraged and applauded them for their strength.

Pokello feels Feza swapped someone for her or Bassey, Bassey feels the same way too. Pokello feels she's a threat and an easy target to her housemate. Bolt gave a shout out to Betty and expressed his love to her, probably seeking Ethiopia's vote.

This evening Bimp told bevrly not to expect anything. At this point i'm confused, it's obvious bev is into Bimp but sometimes i feel he encourages her, always by her side even when she's alone he comes so close to her.

Nando has been giving Selly the silent treatment, Guy don chop clean mouth. She also told Biggie she wants to go back to rubies because Nando is too wild for her and not giving her the chance to know him.

Dillish and Bolt won the power of no task.

Last night Nando told th ladies in diamonds to pack their bags because he put one of them up for eviction. He also told them he'll be sending Hakeem and melvin to rubies on friday and bring in Natasha and Pokello. For him, he wants the "brotherhood vs sisterhood", he wants all the boys in Rubies and the girls in diamonds.

1 comment:

  1. Lol! Selly musto stay in Diamond house ojare. Nando is just a crazy lazy dude.

