Sunday 23 June 2013

#BBATHECHASE: Our Favourite show.

Just some few moments after their Saturday picnic, the housemates in Ruby house gathered in the lounge for another session of the Natasha show. In what is becoming the viewers favourite, the housemates were also excited to hear from Bolt and Betty, their new entrants.

Natasha started off with Betty, Betty who said she's 25 years old met Bolt at Babylon and it was love at first sight for her. She intends to take the relationship further off the house. She also said she has not been having sex in the house..Hmmm... She likes Bolt's physical structure, his beautiful smile and he keeps her laughing all the time.

Bolt was next  and Natasha grilled him about Betty. He said he deeply loves her, hmmm.... Also plans to take the relationship further as he sees a future with her. He said Betty is beautiful, smart and funny. He also denied having sex in the house and said he and Betty are yet to have sex. Bolt says he has a 2 year old daughter who is presently with her mum. He is not married and got separated just 3 months before he came into the house.

Sulu started with his trademark dance. He was hurt about them losing the arena showdown and also losing his sister Cleo to the Diamond house. Also sad about Selly leaving, he shed tears but has moved on. When asked about Selly's date with Nando, he first denied Selly was having a date with Nando, then later said he doesn't feel good about it but has to take it. Natasha asked him if Selly chooses Nando over him, how will he take it, he said he will accept it and respect her decision and move on. He said he will try to give Selly her space during their party as he is a vicious man and wouldn't want to be angry as he has a bad temper.

Oneal talked about his relationship with Feza. They discuss sex for hours in detail, they talk about life in general, he refuses to gossip with her... hmmm(Lies). Betty asked if he gets horny whenever they discuss about sex. He said majority of the time he has been in erection and they discuss about his erection and how long it lasts. Feza makes him happy, he is serious with her and intends to take it further with her. Pokello asked him beside kissing under the blanket, what else do they do, he answered they talk, kiss and there is physical contact like gropping and Feza enjoys cuddling.

Angelo talked about Maria, how hurt and disappointed he felt about Maria not choosing him for her rendezvous session. They had discussed about it and she agreed to a rendezvous session with him. He intends to confront her at the party and ask her about her decision. He loves Maria but understands she has a boyfriend outside the house. They are good friends. Bolt teased him about Maria using an old man like him to play. Lol!

Elikem was all about Pokello. Natasha kept throwing Pokello's questions at him with Pokello acting a bit disgusted and excited at the same time. Elikem talked about his plans to do business with Pokello in Ghana and everywhere they can. They are best of friends and nothing physical or sexual between them. Natasha asked him about bathing naked with Pokello, he said they were in their underwear and that he had also bathed like that with Fatima and Feza.

Feza and Pokello were also put on the spot. The big brother cameras kept switching between the rendezvous room and the Diamond house. So i couldn't get all the conversation. But Pokello was asked about her man back home and how he would feel about her closeness to Elikem and she said he was open to it. They had both discussed it before she came into the house. She is open-minded and going to see how things play out. It was quite another interesting session of The Natasha Show.

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