Bolt and Maria are the ninth and tenth housemate evicted from this year's Big Brother Africa house. The live eviction show which kicked off with the show host IK Osakioduwa showing clips of events that happened in the house on Friday and Saturday, later on introduced South African 'rich fine boy' rapper AKA performing one of his hit track Jealousy. It was a scintillating performance and a nice way to set the mood for the show.
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Friday, 28 June 2013
#BBATHECHASE: The swap and the drama.
Firstly, let's congratulate the Rubies house for winning the Airtel Arena Showdown. The Rubies house have now won the showdown three times to Diamond's two. Feza also becomes the first housemate to lead both houses to victory as the Head of House. She led Diamond house to victory during the first week and now Rubies house.
#BBATHECHASE: Nando gets a strike.
The big hammer has fallen on another housemate and this time around it is Nando. Big Brother had announced that all housemates of both houses report to the lounge. The Diamonds housemates who were all still sleeping had to wake up thinking it was the Head of House Task.
#BBATHECHASE: The new Heads of House.
The Head of House for next week have emerged from both houses. Elikem won the task in the Ruby house while Melvin won in the Diamond house. Big Brother had earlier called Bolt, the winner of The Power of No Task to the diary room. When Bolt came out of the diary room, he told Sulu and the rest of the housemates that he has excluded Sulu from the HoH task. Dillish the winner of The Power Of No Task in the Diamond house excluded Hakeem from the HoH task and said it was an obvious decision. We all know why that is obvious.
The HoH task started first in the Ruby house. All housemates were told to line in a straight line and were to run to a set of balloon not far away from them and burst it to find an object inside. Housemates who didn't find any object are to sit out while those who found are to repeat the process till a winner emerge. Elikem, Fatima, Oneal and Bassey were the four housemates who found object in their balloon and had to go for another round which Elikem won. In the Diamond house, Melvin, Beverly, Cleo and Selly were the ones who found object in their balloon at the first round. The next round it was just Melvin and he was announced the Head of House. Elikem and Melvin Head of House duties starts first thing Monday morning.
Thursday, 27 June 2013
#BBATHECHASE: What is happening? DAY32.
The day didn't start well for the diamonds housemates. They woke up and din't find the story book they were supposed to protect. Later biggie gave Selly a secret task to return it to its position, which she did.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
#BBATHECHASE: What is happening? DAY 31.
The housemates had their crush wall session early this morning, Bassey got most crushes from the diamonds house, the housemates crushed on him so Dillish could get a chance to meet him. Most of the rubies crushed on Selly and Dillish.
#BBATHECHASE: Selly and her men.
This noon, Selly asked Maria why she stopped sleeping on Melvin's bed. Maria told her she stopped because Melvin told her and Dillish that he likes Selly and that was why he gave her his avatar. Selly expressed shock and asked Maria why nobody told her, Maria said it wasn't in her place to tell her and pleaded with Selly not to tell Melvin.
#BBATHECHASE: What is happening? DAY30.
This morning Bassey entertained his housemates by dancing half naked in front of the mirror. he was just in his pants an he danced so well. We all know bassey is a good dancer.
Monday, 24 June 2013
#BBATHECHASE: Watch nando and Selly get intimate
There are 2 parts of nando and Selly's action. i think the main thing happened in this part. Watch and make your own conclusion.
Watch video below;
#BBATHECHASE: Goodbye Motamma and Betty.
Motamma and Betty are the 7th and 8th housemates to be evicted from the big brother house. Nando, Elikem, Oneal, Betty, Natasha, Bolt and Motamma were all up for nomination. Motamma only found out Annabel had replaced herself with her few minutes before she was evicted.
Sunday, 23 June 2013
#BBATHECHASE: What is happening? DAY 27.
Elikem, Bolt and Angelo woke up early and discussed about both houses. Elikem said Betty is a ugly and feisty girl, Bolt agreed, Angelo also had something derogatory to say.They talked about everyone..Bolt said Nando is a crazy boy, Elikem told Bolt Nando is jealous of his relationship friendship with Fatima because he wants to sleep with her.
#BBATHECHASE: Our Favourite show.
Just some few moments after their Saturday picnic, the housemates in Ruby house gathered in the lounge for another session of the Natasha show. In what is becoming the viewers favourite, the housemates were also excited to hear from Bolt and Betty, their new entrants.
Saturday, 22 June 2013
#BIG BROTHER AFRICA: Life is not easy for Roki.
Roki, is one of the most talented young artiste in the country. Unfortunately, he has nothing to show for it, despite having been on the music scene for more than 10 years now.
Roki was Zimbabwe’s representative at last year’s Big Brother Africa reality show. A strong contender for the prize money, Roki disappointed his fans across the continent after his flirtation with the reality show ended prematurely.
#BBATHECHASE: Coupled up and doing things.
After last night's swap, the couples are now together. Cleo and Hakeem, Selly and Nando ( well, yes they are together), dont know where Maria, Dillish and Melvin stands. Pokello and Elikem, Feza and Oneal, Bassey and Angelo, hahahah! ijoke.
We all know Pokello is a big chic in her country, apart from her shoe business, she's been linked with some politicians in her country and her father is also a prominent minister.
View the pictures:
View the pictures:
#BBATHECHASE: What is happening? DAY 26.
Friday, 21 June 2013
After losing the previous two Airtel Arena showdown, the diamonds were determined to win and also to put the disappointment of losing wager behind them. The very organised Ruby housemates started well and seem to be on the way to winning their third consecutive showdown. At the end of it, they got it wrong and had to start all over which paved the way for a more calculative Diamond win. The Diamond housemates were really excited and celebrated so much.
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
#BBATHECHASE: What is happening? DAY 24.
The housemates had their crush wall section today, with most people voting for Maria and Selly. Can't wait to see Selly's choice, Melvin or Nando? Maria told biggie she wont be going to the rendezvous room with Angelo. Oops! sorry man.
Saturday, 15 June 2013
#BBATHECHASE: FEATURE POST- Ten to win the game.
After watching the show very closely for three weeks now. I thought i should come up with a list of housemates i think have a good chance at winning the grand prize. There are 24 housemates left in the show and i decided to come up with 10 names.There hasn't been any particular stand out housemate or housemates. Very difficult to pick as most are still playing safe, playing in group or just out rightly boring. But i just wanted to pick 10 housemates i think with various reasons have a chance at winning. These 10 housemates are not necessarily my favourites but the ones i think have a chance at winning. So here we go.
#BBATHECHASE: The Airtel picnic/Natasha show.
WOW! Natasha was at it again and this time around, she came out blazing with her weekly Natasha Show. Natasha who dubbed her current show the Airtel Picnic Show in recognition of this year's Big Brother headline sponsor and also after Big Brother had given the housemates a task to have a picnic at the garden and keep talking.
#BBATHECHASE: What is happening? DAY19.
The housemates participated in the HoH task, in Rubies Bassey found the red ball and he became the HOH for Rubies. In Diamonds, Fatima used her power of No and exempted Nando from participating in the HOH task. Annabel found the yellow ball in diamonds and she became the new HOH.
Friday, 14 June 2013
#BBATHECHASE: Trouble in paradise?
There is trouble in paradise, this evening after the swap the guys in diamonds were talking about Selly and her decisions. Melvin was very upset with Selly and was really fuming. Immediately Hakeem came to meet the guys outside, he looked upset. He said he wont be attending the rendezvous outing with Cleo and the party, He also won't participate in the next task.
This week, the housemates had a paintball task at the arena and the Rubies won the task. Selly who is the HoH for Rubies had the privilege of swapping.
#BBATHECHASE: What is happening? DAY18.
The day started with their morning exercises. after that the housemates continued with their task, so they could finish before presentation commences.
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
#BBATHECHASE: What is happening? DAY 17.
In the early hours of the morning, Elikem, pokello and Selly slept on the same bed. Elikem go to his bed and met Pokello and Selly there,so he slept in their middle.
#BBATHECHASE: LK4, the player?
Isaac Lugudde Katwe (LK4) will be on the plane from South Africa and will be touching down at Entebbe airport at 7pm this evening.
An interesting character, that former Big Brother Africa 8 representative of ours. Word on the grapevine is that Lugudde has been a bad boy.
On his return, Lugudde will have to answer to child organisations after a lady (name withheld) filed a police case against him for child neglect.
It is alleged that Lugudde sowed some wild oats and didn’t look back when they germinated. His alleged baby-mama wants Lugudde to own up and be a man.
Meanwhile, according to his teammates – he plays for Dmark Power basketball club – his steady girlfriend Cynthia is breathing fire over the antics Lugudde has been pulling in the Big Brother house with South African Koketso and the fact that he did not mention Cynthia’s existence once, yet he had promised to marry her.
Now she wants out, but first she wants him to look her in the eye and say why he lied.
When Star Trail asked some of his teammates about the possibility of Lugudde neglecting his child, none of them was surprised; some said they can’t tell the exact number of Lugudde’s children.
Poor Koketso, who was evicted largely because of her association with LK4! Poor Cynthia, who watched him tell BBA presenter IK that the biggest prize he was walking away from the game with was Koketso.
Huh! Some playas give playas a bad name!
Story culled from
#BBATHECHASE: Koketso and LK4 still together.
LK4 and Koketso still going strong... LK4 is on his way to Uganda right now, he spent some time with Koketso in SA before leaving, He also left these messages on his TL.
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
#BBATHECHASE: What is happening?
Our new segment," What is happening". I'll try and summarize the interesting stuff in the house daily.
At this point, i don't know who is playing who. Initially Pokello told Natasha she's ready to play along with Elikem. Both of them were inseparable for most part of the day. Elikem was just telling Pokello all she wanted to hear " you are beautiful, gorgeous, you smell good, you can't go home, you are strong" bla bla bla.He also asked Selly if she saved pokello but Selly didn't tell him. He told Selly if Pokello leaves on Sunday, he'll kill Selly for not saving her.
At this point, i don't know who is playing who. Initially Pokello told Natasha she's ready to play along with Elikem. Both of them were inseparable for most part of the day. Elikem was just telling Pokello all she wanted to hear " you are beautiful, gorgeous, you smell good, you can't go home, you are strong" bla bla bla.He also asked Selly if she saved pokello but Selly didn't tell him. He told Selly if Pokello leaves on Sunday, he'll kill Selly for not saving her.
#BBATHECHASE: Controversy trails Ghana's represenative and BBA Housemate, Selly.
I read this story today and decided to inform my wonderful readers. Got this story from
This is the story ;
#BBATHECHASE: 2 more strikes before Selly gets disqualified from the game.
Monday, 10 June 2013
#BBATHECHASE: Full nomination list and housemates up for eviction.

Both houses nominated this morning. This is the full nomination list ;
Sunday, 9 June 2013
#BBATHECHASE: End of the road for lovers, LK4 and Koketso.
The lovebirds from the Rubies house have been evicted from the Big Brother House. Uganda's LK4 and South African Koketso are the third and fourth housemate to be evicted from the house.
#BBATHECHASE: Welcome to Rubies, Elikem.
Elikem got his official welcome treatment tonight. The Ghanian lad who has been jumping from one housemate to the other since he got to Rubies, probably trying to save himself from being nominated had a taste of Natasha's pill tonight.
Saturday, 8 June 2013
Big Brother Africa 8: 2shotz used to beat me - Beverly.
Photo Credit- 360nobs
We all know Beverly has stories to last 91 days. Today she told her new housemates that she got engaged last year and almost got married. Melvin asked who she was engaged to and she said " you know hear, i been dey engaged to umunammu, 2shotz" . She also said the guy used to beat her so much, that when he takes her for her events, he tells the bouncers to watch over her. She said the beating was much to a point her mother asked why she wanted to get married to someone she could feed.
Friday, 7 June 2013
Big Brother Africa 8: The power of NO Twist and Head of House task.
This morning, the housemates had the 'power of No' twist, where a
particular housemate denies another from participating in the head of
house task. The housemates went outside,picked a card each, the
housemate with the Ace of spade won the task. Cleo won the' power of No' twist in Rubies and excluded Beverly from participating in the HOH task, while Hakeem won in Diamond and excluded Dellish from the HOH task.
Big Brother Africa 8: Rubies win Airtel Arena show.
The Diamonds house were the first to arrive the arena unlike last week Friday. While awaiting the arrival of the Rubies housemates, the Diamonds housemates engaged themselves in freestyle and also shout-outs to their loved ones and countries.
As the Rubies housemates were entering the arena, shouts of "Cleo" were chorused amongst the Diamonds housemates which Hakeem started. The housemates hugged and greeted each other cheerfully, some jumping on another and so on. Melvin and Hakeem got the most attention from the housemates as they were re-united with their former Rubies housemates.
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Big Brother Africa 8: Bolt and Betty get intimate. (video)
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Big Brother Africa 8: The crush wall game.
Big Brother gave the housemates a task this morning, housemates
were asked to vote for two housemates they have a crush on from the other house.
The housemates with the most crush from each house will have a
one-on-one rendezvous organized for them.
Monday, 3 June 2013
Big Brother Africa 8: Housemates up for eviction.
Rubies and Diamond housemates nominated who they wanted for possible eviction, and this is how they nominated ;
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Big Brother Africa 8: Denzel and Huddah exit the show.
We had the very first eviction of the season tonight. Ghana's Selly, Uganda's Denzel, Kenya's Huddah, Ethiopia's Betty and Malawi's Natasha were all up for eviction.
Big Brother Africa 8: Eviction day.
![]() |
radio and weasel |
Here we go again with the day the housemates dread the most, The
eviction day. We will be having our first eviction show tonight which
will start by 6pm Nigerian time. Radio and Weasel from Uganda are set to
perform on the Big Brother stage and Kenya's DJ Hypnotiq will be behind
the wheels. Nigeria's IK will be anchoring the show and like he normally
says, "brings bad news to the housemates".
Big brother Africa 8: LK4 caught in his own game.
Drama has started to spring up in the Rubies house and Ugandan player LK4 is the ring leader of the drama. It is known to all that Koketso, Selly and
Beverly have all publicly made their attraction and interest in the
Ugandan housemate. The three girls even gave LK4 their gifts
during their task presentation on Thursday night making it a competition
to get the most sought after guy in the Rubies house.
Big Brother Africa 8: Melvin gets his groove back.
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Big Brother Africa 8: Huddah and the Mystery man.
So this conversation happened today between Huddah and Angelo...Huddah told Angelo her 2nd boyfriend has been the best so far. She loves the way "he kiss me, smooches me, goes down on me, fuck me, and we smoke the coochie". She told Angelo he's a musician, a rapper in kenya. hmmmm! are you thinking what i'm thinking?
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