Huddah : Feeling energetic, having backaches because of the workout. Everyone hasn't exposed themselves. had an argument with Elikem which is over. Feels there is a Judas in everyone, housemates are still being pretentious and not yet themselves. she doesn't have a strategy, living by the moments and take things as it comes. She hates pretentious people and likes alcohol, exercise and jacuzzi. Africa should expect entertainment, realness and drama.
Bolt : Talks about his friendship with Betty. She is nice, beautiful and maybe he likes her. He likes singing, he is short-tempered, he likes making friend. Sings for big brother. Mixed feeling about the housemates up for nominations. Didn't expect Elikem to be nominated because he thought everyone liked him. Housemates doesn't understand each other for now cos they are just being together. Not sure about housemates being real with each other. Africa should expect fun from him and to be everywhere at all times.
Dellish : Housemates getting along and she is fine with them and she's getting to learn about her housemates. Huddah is not what she thought and she feels she judged her wrongly for nominating her. She is very playful, people take her for a cartoon character,likes to joke, to make people laugh. Always in a happy mood, doesn't get angry and just likes to have fun. She dislikes rude people, people who gossip, dirty bathroom. Nominations was pretty awkward, was too soon and no one deserves to leave now. But she is okay with whatever happens, its a game. She is gonna be herself to win, she doesn't have a strategy. And doesn't have any expectations.
Elikem : He is feeling normal. Extremely excited to be in the house and feels fulfilled. Being himself in the house is the most important thing. Feels like he is been in the house for 2-3 weeks. He is free, doesn't keep things to heart, likes to explore, he is inquisitive, he doesn't like to worry. It is going to be upsetting if he gets evicted on Sunday. Explained briefly the incident between him and Huddah.
Fatima : She is just herself. She has splits personalities and the situation around her depends on the personality she display. She doesn't have a blueprint or strategy to play the game. She is just going to be herself. Appreciates that she is in the house and will try to honour her country and Africa. She won't be violent with anyone, she will not have sex with anyone in the house, her mother, her daughter and her country are watching her. If she wins, a part of the money will go to a good course of her choice.
Denzel : Tells big brother he has to be kidding when he welcomed him for his diary session. Big brother warned him about responding on time to his call and not disrupting others diary session. Denzel is the guy that is..... says nothing, only rambling. Appreciates the fact he is able to talk to big brother and that he is in the big brother house. Went on talking about "Appreciates the fact...." So many "Appreciates the fact" Big brother responded to him that "He appreciates the fact that he made it to the house". Big brother asked him if "he appreciates the fact that there's a paint on his nose, he responded to big brother by saying "He appreciates the fact that big brother noticed that". He wonders why Dellish would have interest in him after telling her in broad day light that he is dating 4 girls. Says what girl in her right senses would want to date him. He just kept going on and on till big brother said he has to end his session. Even after that, he kept going on and discussed about his attraction to Dellish. Quite a very funny, annoying and unusual diary session.
Annabel : She wasn't happy on Sunday because what she wore for the premier wasn't what she should have worn as her suitcase didn't arrive. Her first impression is lovely, happy to have another Kenyan housemate in the house. Getting along with her fellow country housemate Huddah, Angelo, Bolt and she likes Denzel because he makes her happy. She hasn't connected with Fatima. Talks about the tension between her and Fatima. Says Fatima is a hard nut to crack. She is a happy girl., an extrovert, Africa doesn't know much about her yet. Haven't come up with a strategy as it will make her over think things. She is just going to be herself. Africa should expect a lot of fun, romance and passion from her. Thinks she may have a romantic connection with Angelo or Bolt. Angelo is sensitive and Bolt is sweet and protective and Bolt told her he likes her.
Angelo : He is a loyal person, likes to be true to himself. His strategy is to absorb and see what people are doing. Feels Elikem sucked up to Feza because she was head of house. Was surprised he was nominated but now understands why he was nominated. Also said Denzel and Bolt are sucking up. Very boring session and just couldn't understand most of what he was saying as he kept talking off point.
Feza : She is alright. Getting a lot of cooperation from the housemates. Feels awesome and good to be head of house and the response from everyone has been positive and nice. Her biggest challenge is she needs to find a balance, she gets carried away most of the time. Feza is just a normal girl, full of dreams, bubbly, loves life, very loyal and likes to have fun. She is a single mum, and a singer. Sings for big brother. She feels she has what it takes to win the grand prize. Shocked about Elikem being nominated for eviction. She gets along with him well. She also gets along with Motama, Bolt and Bimp. Bimp gets to her and that worries her.
Bimp : He is a very reserved, guarded, caring and loving person. Feels Neyll needs to be taken care of as he seems down. Got his caring attitude from his mum. He never felt like a son to his dad, it was more like him feeling like his employee. His personality in one word is Caring. Nomination was very difficult and stressful to him. He's enjoying his experience in the big brother house.
Motama : She is good, comfortable and being herself. She is an easy going girl, never gets intimidated, bubbly. Her strategy is to be herself and try not to ruffle the feathers with the girls. She is the center of attention of the boys and girls, and making the girls feel comfortable that she isn't a threat to them. She thinks Elikem has got a temper but he's trying to be nice. She's a darling and likes to bring out the best from people.
Neyll : He is a simple guy, down to earth, trying to relax. He is not relaxed cos he feels some people are not being themselves. Housemates are okay and people are getting to know each other. Being in the big brother house is a dream for him.
Betty : She is really feeling good, and trying to get to know everyone. Trying to get closer to Bolt. She likes him. She is having a good time and enjoying it. She believes Bolt shares the same feeling, he told her. It kind of struck from the stage when she picked him as her match to enter the house together. Nominations was scary and difficult to nominate someone after spending just a day together. She thinks the Head of house is doing well. She likes someone friendly and chatty, she dislikes someone who gossip a lot. She will try to deal with such situation in the house and manage it. She is trying to play safe and being herself as her strategy in the house. Her personality in one word is Simple. She misses her mum and she is enjoying her experience and feels lucky to be in the house.
Good job Laura