Sunday 28 July 2013

#BBATHECHASE: Nando disqualified from BBA THE CHASE.

Big Brother finally addressed the controversy that went down in the Big Brother house on Friday night between Nando and Elikem. Just an hour after the live eviction show which Annabel and Sulu were evicted, Big Brother announced that all housemates should gather in the lounge.

He started by talking about the fight that took place and then played a video clip of the incident to the housemates. After the clip was shown, Big Brother read out the rules that stipulates against violence in the house. He said "Any Housemate who become physically violent will be removed from the House immediately. Violence can refer to self-inflicted violence, or violence towards another. Violence includes provocation, goading, bullying and victimization."

Big Brother continued by reading out the Three Strike Rule. The rule will be applicable to Housemates who commit serious infringements. Nando had earlier in the show been issued a strike for carrying a knife to the party lounge. After reading out the Three Strike Rule, Big Brother went further and said "Nando repeatedly provoked Elikem till he reacted." Big Brother then issued Nando a second strike. Elikem who was commended for showing restraint at first was also issued a strike for reacting later on and counter-provoking Nando.

Nando was then called into the diary room. Another video clip was shown to him and also the housemates. He had gone to the bathroom to fetch a scissors and took it upstairs with him and hid it under his blanket. He also threatened to stab Elikem and said "I feel like stabbing him. A nigga like that deserves to die". Nando was issued a third strike and hence disqualified. He was told to immediately exit the house via the diary room and wasn't allowed to return back to the house. The rest of the housemates fell into a somber mood with Beverly shedding 'crocodile tears'.


  1. I missed it! Thnks laura.... Lol @ crocodile tears! Stupid beverly,ope she'll be up 2mao

  2. Na real crocodile tears.Hahaha!!This is really comprehensive.Not a single detail missing.Well done.xx

  3. Thanks for this nice update. So angry I changed channels for just an hour and missed it all!

  4. Tnx Laura cos I missd d show bt Video pls

  5. How do u guys knows she sheded crocodile tears? She might have made some mistakes doesnt mean she is not human. Leave her alone no one is perfect.

  6. Biko shut-up, Beverely has been given plenty of chances which she has mis-used, can't wait for her to be booted out!

  7. I agree that, Nando made a mistake but also let us look at the other side; Elikem needs to watch his words, kind of so annoying. Such words / insults can be taken / swallowed by only few people; for Nando, given his personality, he could not; and he lost his temper. For instance, insulting somebody's parents; then, eventually giving comments about his/her origin like "there are people who have problems / issues back home" are not good and sound provocative.

    For Nando, I believe, his habit of playing with / carrying knives / scissors in situations where there was a fight during the past 24 hours especially; should not be entertained; and I would advise him to stop it. If you give threatening statements out of anger, you may at times don't mean to actually implement them; but when you start carrying knives (for instance) afterwards, then you make people conclude that, you meant it....

    All in all, the guy apart from the issue at hand, he was an entertainer, and he had a brighter future in BBA and life as well.. We will miss him big time; his jokes, his hardwork during task presentations; leadership in tasks (e.g. the movie and football match) and much more...

  8. Beverly is 2faced. Very stupid girl

  9. Beverly is trying 2 avoid nomination so she wants 2 be in d 2 groups. Dirty girl.

  10. Ann 08:08 and it worked for her

